Monday 30 November 2009

busan weather for December 1st
today is sunny
cloud percentage is 2%
tempurture is 6.4c
wind speed is 2.6 K.H.M
humicty is 52%
air preasue is 1022.7%

time; 7:56

place; at my house

Sunday 29 November 2009

Busan weather for November 30th 2009
today might rain
cloud percentage is 10%
the tempurture is 6.9 c
wind speed is 5.9 K.H.M
humidty is 91%
daily percipitation is 1.0%
air preasure is 1020.2%

place; at my house
time; 7:30

Saturday 28 November 2009

Busan weather for November 29th 2009
today is rainy
cloud percentage is 10%
tempurture is 10.1c
wind speed is 5.0 k.H.M
humidty is 82%
percipitation is 0.1 mm
air preasure is 1022.1

Place; at my house

Time; 7:37

Friday 27 November 2009

Busan weather for November 28th 2009
today is partly cloudy
cloud percentage is 3%
tempurture is 15.5 c
wind speed is 2.9 K.h.M
air preasure is 1022.7%

place; at my house

Time; 7:oo
Busan weather for November 27th 2009
today is sunny
the temperture 17.5 c
cloud percentage is 5.3%
humidty is 60.9%
wind speed is 2.3 K.H.M
air preasure is 1020.5%

place; at BFS

Time; 8:15

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Busan weather for November 26 2009
today is sunny
cloud percentage is 0%
the tempurture is 10.7c
wind speed is 0.6 K.H.M
humidty is 71%
air preasure is 1024.7

place; at my house

Time; 7:20

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Busan weater for November 25th 2009
today will be sunny
cloud percentage 0%
the tempurture is 7.9 c
wind speed is 0.4 K.H.M
the humidty is 79%
air preasure is 1019.0 %

place; at my house

time; 7:24

Monday 23 November 2009

Busan weather for November 24th 2009
today will be sunny
cloud percentage is 0%
the tempurture is 7.1 c
wind speed is 0.1 K.H.M
todays humidty will be 71%
air preasure is 1023.7%

place; At BFS

time; 7:35

Sunday 22 November 2009

Busan weather for November 23rd 2009
today is sunny
the cloud percetage is 0%
the tempurture is 5.5 c
wind speed is 2.7 K.H.M
humidty is 46%
the air preasure is 1026.1%

Saturday 21 November 2009

Busan weather for November 22nd 2009
the cloud percentage is 0%
the tempurture was 10.7 c
wind speed was 4 K.H.M
the humidity was 38%
the air preasure was 1023.1%